• Arreva has provided quick, dependable and convenient data conversions for scores of nonprofits worldwide since 1986. We have the experience and expertise to transfer your donor and gift data from your current software program into Exceed Beyond, Exceed!™ Premier or Exceed! Basic.


    We are available to analyze your existing database and provide a free quote for converting your data. To receive a free quote, please contact your Regional Account Manager via email and they will be in touch with you to guide you through the quote process. NOTE: Due to email system constraints, please DO NOT send your data via email prior to consulting with us.



    If you have any questions about converting your data, please contact us:

    Phone: 800-676-5831
    e-mail: sales@arreva.com
    Fax: 650-853-1677


    If you are inquiring about a conversion that is progress,
    please contact our Conversion Coordinator at:

    Phone: 800-750-6418 ext. 205
    e-mail: conversions@arreva.com



    The File Exchange Area gives clients the ability to transfer files to and from Arreva via the Internet.

    To send a file to Arreva Software, please follow the instructions below:


    Uploading to the LeapFile site

    Go to the following link: http://arreva.leapfile.com*.

    Click on "Secure Upload".

    Fill in the fields on the "Secure Upload" page (Name, Email, Confirm Email, Subject and Message).

    At the bottom of the page is a button - "Select Files to Send (Regular Upload)" - click on it.

    On the next page, click the Browse button and select the file to upload.

    Then at the bottom of this page, click Upload and Send.

    Email Arreva at conversion@arreva.com and let us know when your data has been uploaded successfully.


    If you have any questions about sending us your data for a quote,
    please refer to our Conversion Guidelines for Sending Data.


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