Online & Virtual Fundraising Software

Transform the way you fundraise. With ExceedFurther, all online fundraising applications are completely integrated and automated within a single donor relationship management database.

Fundraising in a Virtual World

Through the pandemic, nonprofit organizations had to reinvent the way they interacted with donors and conducted events. Virtual fundraising software enables organizations to continue to provide their mission to those in need and virtually engage donors in new ways.  


With ExceedFurther's Virtual Fundraising Software, the sky is the limit when it comes to helping organizations raise more funds and create awareness through a variety of giving options for donors.  

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Easy, Convenient Giving Options for Your Donors

  • Create Unlimited Donation Webpages


    The backbone of your online fundraising efforts, donation form webpages let your organization accept donations and build recurring donation campaigns in the most simple, effective, and flexible way possible. Offer donation forms for specific funds/campaigns or create a specific donation page just for #givingtuesday. You can create donation forms in minutes.


    Increase donor contributions effortlessly by providing donors with the option to make gifts recurring, cover processing fees, and check if their employers sponsor matching gifts.  All online transactions go directly into ExceedFurther's donor management database.

  • Point-n-Click Setup of Peer-to-Peer Webpages


    Peer-to-Peer events and campaigns are the ultimate fundraising tool when it comes to reaching new donors and building awareness for your organization’s mission. Any and all constituents can easily create a secure, Peer-to-Peer Fundraising webpage. They sign-in, upload an image for their page, set a goal, personalize their message and publish. In virtually no time they have a webpage link they can send to invite others to give.


    Easily expand the donors you reach and level-up your fundraising campaigns by adding peer-to-peer online fundraising.

  • Accept Pledges and Pledge Payments Online


    ExceedFurther provides extensive pledge management capabilities with both the donor management and virtual fundraising software, integrated together. Organizations are able to view and manage each pledge lifecycle.

    • Give donors the option to make an online pledge
    • Provide the option to include the first pledge payment and set up autopay
    • Accept pledge payments online and/or offline


    Easily process online pledges and payments, apply soft credits to pledge payments, recognize donations as pledges, track payments, and send pledge payment reminders.

  • Virtual Mobile Donations with Text2Fund


    Text2Fund by Arreva is a powerful and versatile mobile, text-to-donate technology that helps nonprofits rapidly deploy mobile fundraising and donation campaigns with impact, providing donors with a convenient and easy way to give anytime, anywhere by simply texting a keyword to make a donation with their credit or debit card.


    Text2Fund gives you the power to rapidly deploy mobile fundraising campaigns using a convenient donation process. Meet your donors where they are … on their cell phones. This provides a simple way to submit donations of any size, billed to credit and debit cards, by texting a keyword to the five-digit short-code.

  • Offer Tickets and Registration Online for Events


    Once you have established the details of the event in ExceedFurther, you can easily create a web page to manage online registration and sponsorships. RSVPs and gifts come immediately into ExceedFurther for processing.


    • Set ticket/table prices
    • Capture meal choices
    • Sell sponsorships
    • Accept event donations
    • Provide a custom email receipt


  • Manage Every Aspect of Your Virtual Auction


    MaestroAuction Online is the ultimate technology to manage your virtual and online auctions directly from your custom auction website to sell tickets, manage guests, accept item and cash donations, sell merchandise, catalog items, and run your online auction.

    • Auction/Event website configuration
    • Customize the item catalog 
    • Bidders may set AutoBids
    • Offer "Buy it Now" options
    • Automatic outbid emails
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Flexible Features of ExceedFurther Giving Form Webpages

  • Provide an Option to Make Donations Recurring

    Donors that set up recurring donations give 42% more annually, compared to one-time donations. 52% of Millennials are more likely to give monthly over a large one-time donation.


    When implemented properly, recurring donations are a valuable to ensuring the long-term sustainability of your fundraising programs. 

  • Provide an Option to Make Donations a Tribute/Memorial Gift

    33% of donors worldwide give tribute gifts and the top three occasions are memorials, birthdays, and religious holidays. Baby Boomers, Gen Xers, and Millenials all donate via tribute gifts.


    Provide an easy way for your donors to make their gift a tribute or memorial gift to convey sympathy to the bereaved, memorialize a loved one, commemorate a special occasion or honor a person's life and accomplishments.

  • Ask Donors to Cover Processing Fees

    Credit card processing fees are a required feature of online giving.  Given the choice, you may be impressed by how willing donors are to give a little extra to eliminate fees for nonprofit organizations. 


    ExceedFurther donation/pledge/event forms could increase your total giving with one checkbox.  If every donor uses this option, your total funding for the year would increase by roughly 4% — just by pre-checking a simple checkbox.

  • Increase Donations with Matching Gift Programs

    65% of Fortune 500 Companies offer corporate matching gift programs and about 10% of the US workforce are eligible for corporate matching gifts.  Yet, $4-7 billion in potential corporate matching gift revenue goes unclaimed annually.


    ExceedFurther provides a technology integration with DonorSearch and WealthEngine so you can take advantage of corporate matching gift programs available to your organization.  

  • Capture Donor Contact Preferences

    Get to know your donors.  Touch points with your donors should be personalized, and you should know how they prefer to be contacted.  


    All the data and information you capture via your ExceedFurther online donation/pledge/event forms automatically flows into your ExceedFurther donor relationship management database.  You can reference any household or contact record to know if you should call, email or text them.  

  • Invite Constituents to Subscribe to Updates

    To maximize the benefit of campaigns and events, give constituents the opportunity to subscribe to communications and updates from your organization. 


    Using this opt-in feature of ExceedFurther, permits constituents to subscribe to the types and/or frequency of the communications they would like to receive.  

Organization and Event Websites for Virtual Fundraising Software


Having a content management system is critical for any organization that wants to continually update their website, and having a CMS designed with your organization's priorities and goal in mind will only make your job easier. We will design and develop a new custom website that fits your requirements.


Your organization can easily have a modern, mobile responsive website and custom CMS.  Our highly-trained support staff will give you one-on-one training in your new system to ensure that you feel comfortable using it and training staff to use it as well.

What Customers Are Saying About Arreva

Robin's Nest Children's Advocacy Center of Caldwell County
We raised more money this year than we've ever raised. Arreva allowed us to dream big.
Shellie Bowlin Executive Director

Learn More About the Success Story at Robin's Nest

Read the full success story to find out how Robin's Nest increased their fundraising results by more than 300% in just 2 weeks using ExceedFurther.

See How ExceedFurther Adds Value to Your Organization!

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